Displaced Communities

displaced by Hitler & Stalin; 95%+)

(over 200,000 expelled, imprisoned, displaced, emigrated; 98.5% total)

VOLGA GERMANS (over 400,000 expelled by Soviets to Kazakhstan)

DUTCH GERMANS (3,691 expelled,
15% of German population)

(100-200,000 expelled after WWI)

(over 3,000,000 expelled
and displaced; 95% total)

(over 100,000 expelled, over
300,000 displaced; 88% of total)

(over 700,000 or 91.5% displaced by Hitler, USSR, & emigration)

US Internment of German-Americans, Japanese, & Italians
(10,906+ interned & blacklisted) NEW!

(over 5,000,000 expelled and displaced, nearly 100%) COMING SOON

(nearly 1,000,000 to Germany and Kazakhstan) COMING SOON

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Daily Diary of Forced Labor in the Mines of Soviet Ukraine NEW!

The problem of classifying German expellees as a 'genocide'

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the forced labour and eXILE of german MINORITIES OF the FORMER soviet union, UKRAINE, AND THE CAUCASUS

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HOW TO CITE THIS SCHOLARLY ESSAY: Institute for Research of Expelled Germans. "The forced labour and exile of German minorities of the former Soviet Union, Ukraine, and the Caucasus", http://expelledgermans.org/russiagermans.htm (accessed Day-Month-Year).

The IREG flags of the Baltic German community, the Transylvania Saxons (many deported to USSR), and the Volga Germans

Included minourity groups in this region: Volga Germans, Volhynia Germans, Baltic Germans, Black Sea / Bessarabian / Dobrujan Germans, Caucasus Germans, Siberian Amish/Mennonites, Transylvania Saxons (deported to USSR)

Total population change resulting from displacement: nearly 100% transferred permanently to (Nazi) Germany or temporarily exiled to Soviet Central Asia or Siberia


History of Settlement and Autonomy from the Empire to the Soviet Union
Pre-Emptive Deportation, Siberian Exile, and Ethnic Cleansing by Hitler and Stalin
Integrating in Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, and post-Soviet states today
Population Statistics
Famous Persons
Suggested Websites and Organisations


History of Settlement and Autonomy from the Empire to the Soviet Union

The first phase


1914 and russification also after jap war needed streamline http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mennonite_settlements_of_Altai
Gers after 1942 shiipped to altai kray hence there today

Compare cauc ger expulsion and anxiety of coop with nazis with tatars Acc this see pop of cauc 1970s about 20 thousand

See pop stats: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mennonite_settlements_of_Altai

DEF CHECK THIS OUT, AND ESP TABLE OF CONTENTS! http://books.google.com/books?id=jLfX1q3kJzgC&pg=PA435&dq=Ethnic+Groups+and+Population+Changes+in+Twentieth-century+Central-Eastern+Europe&hl=en&ei=twVvTMS1LI-6sQPjl6CLCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Look for Pulin: http://www.jstor.org.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/stable/1432991?&Search=yes&term=new&term=dreams&term=colonial&term=ordering

606 Kann Habs says Galicia has 100,000 Germans or so!!
Check Kann 607 for separate Galicia pop!! and maps!

http://assembly.coe.int/Main.asp?link=/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc94/EDOC7172.htm READ FOR GEORGIA

http://www.volksbund-nrw.de/downloads/Deutsche_und_Ungarn.pdf#search=%22Ungarndeutschen%20Stiftung%20Sitz%20Budapest%22 <--- search Kaukasus

Note that Germans were expelled after WWI (see Kate Brown all over index and also other IREG articles)


Eroberung der Natur, gemarkte Seiten (see underlines Volhynian, etc.)



SIBERIAN GERMANS! everyculture.com/Russia-Eurasia-China/Siberian-Germans.html

Search the Cadmus Apor source all over bec under Romania it has stats about Bessarabia and Bukowina even!

NEED TO GO TO VOLGA GERMANS FOR SOURCES. many numbers are there of Volga expellees and Russia in general.

Irin says 1.2 million Germans deported (see Volga source)

-786 Burl




READ PAGE 57!! http://books.google.com/books?id=s6RZ-LHzus4C&pg=PA138&lpg=PA138&dq=General+Sviridov+Swabians&source=bl&ots=Y65IMhv5Tv&sig=NRajZ

http://www.nytimes.com/1992/01/11/world/bonn-urges-russia-to-restore-land-for-its-ethnic-germans.html?sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all (INCLUDES POPS)
PAGE 284 of http://books.google.com/books?id=rzJh_whDGmIC&pg=PP1&dq=Volga+Germans&hl=de#v=onepage&q=&f=false population
http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2772792,00.html (HAS POPS TO GERMANY!)



PAGE 245 http://books.google.com/books?id=ssrLM0yWD1kC&pg=PA10&dq=The+Unwanted:+European+Refugees

ACC this there were 400,000+ Germans in Ukraine deported http://www.niisp.gov.ua/articles/78/



595 Burleigh

606 Kann Habs says Galicia has 100,000 Germans or so!!
Check Kann 607 for separate Galicia pop!! and maps!



http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/history/people.html (look down for Volhynian expulsions!)


GENERAL NOTES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Start w/ diff groups: Baltics; Black Sea (incl Bessarab, Dobruja, Crimea; Bukowina; Dobrujans only group volunteered for OTTOMAN settlement like others for Russia; Bessarabians settled after Moldova liberated and Gagauz etc expelled to make it more integrated, esp after serfdom banned); Volga; Russian Germans from Siberia; Caucasus; Volhynians are in Poland but straddle Ukraine; for Volhynians they were invited by Polish szlachta and by 1900 there were over 200,000 of them in Volhynia (http://www.ualberta.ca/~german/AlbertaHistory/Volhynians.htm)

Then briefly what happened to each to show complic: these EXILED by Stalin (Volga, Crimeans, Caucasus, Siberian/Russ); these TRANSFERRED (Dobruj and Bessarab, Bukowina Gers by Hitler and to WARTHE to show Polish suffering); Volhynians deported & exiled

Then show how diff today after all this (few Kazakh Gers before, now most are basically); also note Trans Saxons and others shipped there so no Russian history but now in Russia! Hint caught in limbo in Germany or in Russia or CIS speaking Russian

Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-98)'s son Georg, founder of the Mainz Republic under Napoleon who helped revolution and met with Ben Franklin or hoped to. Father and son were hired, after doing James Cook's 2nd voyage and extensive Polynesian ethnography, 1765 hired by Russian gov't (CATHERINE) to inspect colonies already on Volga, esp Saratov, and he brought son Georg to assess future German settlement and business for Russia therefrom (here is source http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Forster,_Johann_Georg_Adam about a genuine 1911 source). THIS CAN BE DOUBLE SOURCED ON 336-7 INVENTING EASTERN EUROPE. On this page he notes the discovery of "Polish economy" and chauv attitudes of civilising Slavdom and the "Orangutan of Europe" "half wild and half civilized" Poland. On 338 he bashed Poland's SERFDOM "the actual People [in poland], I mean those millions of cattle in human form, who are here utterly excluded from all privileges of mankind...the people is at present...truly sunken to a degree of bestiality and insensibility, of indesc laziness and totally stupid ignorance, from which perhaps even in a century it ould not climb to the same level of other European rabbles." Extended to Slavs obviously! Civilise Russia. This is all GEORG his son.

VOLGA GERS AND PUGACHEV VIOLENCE: from Bodger, Alan. “Nationalities in History: Soviet Historiography and the Pugačëvščina.” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, Vol. 39, No. 4 (1991): 563, and Darrel P. Kaiser (2006). Origin & Ancestors Families Karle & Kaiser Of the German-Russian Volga Colonies. "Kazakh-Kirghiz tribesmen kidnapped 1573 settlers from colonies in 1774 alone and only half were successfully ransomed. The rest were killed or enslaved."

KANN 197-8 South gers helped massively habs economy inlc galicia and parrs of realm desolated by turks. Got free land, cows, building material, and tax free for 10 yrs but excited tension with other peasant races bec smacked of racial nepotism;

KANN book 391 galicia more tolerant austrians were of minorities than prussia or russia, but tension bec aust used divide and rule for poles and ruthenians, and governed in ger ans french lang; 444 in galicia polesgot more rights and auton than czechs ever did for lang but slowly discrim after polish insurrections; And 506 gers angry in nationalist era that lodomeria was polish state kindof not german, so tensions

Gers in azer did most wine bec azeris couldnt, Gers in Baku = oil barons

Cauc gers brought in to russify or euroize buffer from new azeri acquisitions

Catherine and others wanted to settle Gers in UKRAINE bec FEWER TATAR demographics, more reliable producers

Many Gers went from Volga to ALTAI and SIBERIA volunt along w Crimea and KYRGYZ bec Volga SWAMPED

Mennonite Settlement of Altai after 1905; to recuperate economy after SERFDOM and also Japanese War; expand Russian influence towards Manchuria then in Altai Kray






--------------------------wwi and russification notes ---------------------------------------

And soon all volgas planned to be expelled but war ended so stopped after WW ONE

WWI and before, all men required to serve in army, but deal struck so Mennos didn't but Mennos altern labor forest bec cant serve so left to canada

1871 alexander ii no immig russifixation and other changes

----------------------------------------USSR and Autonomy notes 2------------------------------------------------------

Galicia and Volhynia Germans: Kate Brown and shifting nationality; don't forget AUTON KRAJ IN SOVIET GALICIA : Pulin autonomous region; Marklevsky Autonomous Region for POLES. About OTHER AUTONOMOUS cases for Polse and Germans in Soviet Belarus and Ukraine: Initially, ethnic Poles made around 70% of district's population, which in 1926 totalled around 41,000. Other inhabitants were Ukrainians (20%), Germans (7%) and Jews. In 1930, after several adjacent villages were added to Marchlewszczyzna, the population grew to 52,000, with Poles still making 70%. It has been estimated that the district consisted of around 100 villages, settlements and smaller towns.

for Crimeans, no autonomy under Soviets, but CRIMEA ITSELF got autonomy, and GERS FOR TWO DISTRICTS: Bijuk-Onlar and Telman; 60,000 of the total Crimean pop of 1.1 mill GER and DEPORTED

Cacasus Gers: Kaukasische Post main Ger newspaper out of Baku and Tblisi; not communist:.This was main paper for gers but banned when soviets came http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaukasische_Post

Then talk of gers ambiv both kerensky whites and reds and why each bec discrim socialists called equality and volga autonomy. Also GERS IN VOLGA JOINED IDEL URAL STATE

Nestor mackno and ukraine gers extra bad; ANARCHISM and minorities how factor i

then pissed at reds when called kulaks and also refused conscript

Two German autonomous/semi districts based upon German Quarter idea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azovsky_Nemetsky_National_District and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemetsky_National_District. For Azovsky Kray IN OMSK: The population of the district as of January 1, 2007 was 22,246, of which 56% were Russians, 24% Germans, 8.3% Kazakhs, and 6.8%Ukrainians.[citation needed

Newspapers of soviet era for gers are lenins weg and bauer und arbeiter, banned of course after 1941 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenins_Weg




Pre-emptive Deportation, Siberian Exile, and Ethnic Cleansing by Hitler and Stalin

By 1939, the political fate of the Baltic states was sealed due



ACC MODEL NAZI 290: Greiser in Wartheland wanted all 140,000 from TRANSNISTRIA/Bessarabia, and got a promise from HIMMLER to do so permanently forever (Arthur Greiser, Grundsaetzliche Anordnung 6/44, 13 Apil 1944, APP, 299/1978, 182-3

EPSTEIN MODEL NAZI into WARTHELAND: from BUKOWIA: 33,568; Bessarabia 47,892, and Galicia 97,020 after 1939 to 1940, all page 174: other sources included Łuczak, Czesław. Pod niemieckim jarzmem (Kraj Warty 1939-1945). Posen: PSO, 1996. Jachomowski, Dirk. Die Umsiedlung der Bessarabien-, Bukowina- und Dobrudschadeutschen. Munich, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1984

Epstein MODEL NAZI 241,194 from CRIMEA settled into Wartheland AS SOVIETS ADVANCED IN 1944!!!! PAGE 174, SEE TABLE ON THIS PAGE

WEITZ 80 says 1,084,828 Germans in USSR!!

STALINS GENOC 84: first purges of ethnicities in Soviet union in this era was 1932-3 (EARLY!!!); in borderlands in West; 150,000 Polish and German families -- 500,000 ppl total -- were arrestd and deported, joining Kulaks into exile. Naimark says % of times when ppl EXECUTED vs exiled was MUCH HIGHER for "nationalities" than indiv suspects.

STALINS GENOC 85: Stalin purged in the "German operation" Gers f USSR, former employees of GER INVESTORS (!!!??) in 1920s and 30s, dissidents who fled west to go to socialism; ALSO PPL ASSOCIATED w/ GERMANY PURGED AS GERMAN, INCL JEWS and GER SPEAKERS; 65,000 to 68,000 ppl were arrested, 43,000 were EXECUTED. *****HOWEVER VOLGA REGION NOT PURGED BEC THAT WAS INTEGRATED WITH SOVIET IDEAS THEY HOPED, A COG IN MACHINE, UNLIKE DISPERSED GERMANS****. Poles however were absolutely FUCKED he says by NKVD, must say at least 144,000 Poles arrested, 111,000 KILLED SHOT. This is also during Great TERROR before WWII.

STALIN IN POWER: (37) beaureaucratic shift & "GREAT RUSSIAN CHAUVINISM" and Stalin was worst bec of his personal journey towards Russificiation; Lenin called Stalin "GREAT RUSSIAN DERZHIMORDA"; on 64 in style of PETER the Great, Stalin did "rapid transformation from above"; so this made Stalin see REVOLUTIONARY CHARACTER of early Tsars so admired them and Sovietized them; "particularly strong Russian nationalism" on 64;

STALIN IN POWER: 505 page says after 1937 PERSIANS targeted even in peacetime by Stalin; Letts, Poles, Balts, GERS arrested and expelled as "spies" as situation worsened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BIG PARA NEEDED ON HOW BEFORE HITLER WAR, EVEN BEFORE PEACE MOLOTOV!! Esp he says Gers out of Kharkhiv. He describes Stalin as having "ANTIFOREIGN" paranoia and coupled with "ANTIFASCISM" bec he feared a war from the "CAPITALIST BLOC" and its spies; ALMOST ALL AMBASSADORS to Germany (even Soviets) expelled, Balts, and even Afghanis, so that MOST AMBASSADORS ENDED UP PURELY SLAVIC

STALIN IN POWER: on 842-3 most German schools CLOSED 193*8* long before MOLOTOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or DEPORTED TO AUSTRIA! 38 Finns and other pops; BIG PARA NEEDED FOR BEFORE GERMAN ATROCITIES STILL RACISM AND EXPULSION

ACC MODEL NAZI 290-1. BLACK SEA GERMANS traveled 3 to 5 monts to WARTHELAND, and esp kids DIED on route and many others came with tuberculosis and diseases. They then were put in fire stations, sports halls, schools, makeshifts. (also Dr Cropp to Arthur Greiser, 26 May 1944, APP 299.1978, 227- and Medizinalrat, Gesundheitsamt Konin to Reichstaathalter II B, 24 January 1944, APP, 299/1978, 42

STALIN'S GENOCIDE 83: Soviets esp persecuted ethnic groups or at least moved pops on railroads along Volga and central Russia; so that's why Tatars and Volga Gers targeted esp, with Kaganovich said in 1937 that there was a plan of "Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents" in central Russia

ACC 308 Conq: but Himmler then, in response to Polish and other revolt and massacres, evacuated ten thou Germans from Belarus (which was larger at the time)

KERSAW HITLER A BIOGRAPHY: Page 683: no deport jews east to russ during war bec would mean our jew enemy with their commie allies; einsatz ok there, kershaw argues that the deport of all volga gers 600 thou plus deported, then hitler retailiated by sending jews into ussr from west, but i say presumably to be murdered by einsatz there. Million gers total to west siberia (altai esp) and kazakh. Stat includes non volga gers. Rosenberg said (as governor) that it was retaliation. Kershaw argues deport jews would be inev anyway, either after war or when usa declared war (684).

STALIN IN POWER: on 506, even FOREIGN commie VOLUNTEERS called "MILITANTS" who went to Soviet Union were EXECUTED en masse, but always as ETHNIC GROUPS for suspicion, always nationally (this on 506)

STALIN IN POWER: on 506, he says the German minority were the MOST STAUNCHLY "ANTI FASCIST", supposed, but majority of them "succummbed to the Terror"!!! access Carola Neher got 3 years and refused NKVD help and was SHOT; on 842 German ANTIfascists arrested HUGO EBERLEIN, from the oriinal COMINTERN CONGRESS and a German called FRITZ PLATTERN who saved Lenin from ASSASSINATION and "disappeared" in 1938

160,000 CAUCASUS Gers deported

Cannot forget LWOW and transfers; historical demographics: FOR GALICIA AND LWOW: In 1940–1941, the Soviet authorities conducted four mass deportations: Approximately 335,000 Polish citizens were deported to Siberia, Kazakhstan

Gers of Tajikistan: http://jpohl.blogspot.com/2007/03/russian-germans-in-tajikistan.html?m=1: very small in beginning, On 1 January 1942, the NKVD officials in these regions reported that 799,459 Russian-Germans had arrived in these regions. The vast majority of the missing 56,709 deportees presumably died during transit to their new destinations from typhus, gastro-intestinal diseases and other illnesses. The poor sanitary conditions in the train wagons used to relocate the Russian-Germans made this massive mortality inevitable. Out of the nearly 800,000 Russian-Germans deported east of the Urals in 1941, the NKVD authorities reported that 385,785 had arrived in Kazakhstan by 1 January 1942. Already by 25 November 1941, their counterparts in Altai Krai, Krasnoiarsk Krai, Novosibirsk Oblast and Omsk Oblast had recorded the arrival of 396,093 Russian-German deportees. Thus nearly all the surviving Russian-Germans deported in 1941 ended up in either Kazakhstan or Siberia. (For statistical information on the 1941 deportations see Bugai, docs. 43 and 44, pp. 74-75 and Milova, doc. 9, pp. 63-69 and doc. 47, pp. 147-148).

The Russian-Germans in Tajikistan did not arrive in this impoverished corner of Asia until 1945-1946. During 1941, the rapid advance of the Wehrmacht into the USSR saved some 350,000 Russian-Germans from deportation to Kazakhstan and Siberia. The vast majority of these people spared from Stalin’s ethnic cleansing in 1941 lived in Ukraine. During 1942-1944, the German military evacuated most of these Russian-Germans westward. At the end of the Second World War the Soviet Union rounded up those Russian-Germans that had escaped deportation in 1941 and sent them to work under special settlement restrictions in the Urals, Siberia, Soviet Far East and Tajikistan. In total the Soviet Union received 203,796 Russian-Germans including 69,782 minors under 16 repatriated from areas formerly under Nazi rule. Soviet forces apprehended 195,191 of these men women and children in Germany. American and British soldiers forcibly turned over many of these displaced Russian-Germans to Soviet forces in accordance with the Yalta Accords. Only about 100,000 Russian-Germans in Germany avoided repatriation to the USSR. Tajikistan for the first time became a center for the exile of Russian-German special settlers due to the forced repatriations. (For the number of Russian-German repatriates see Bugai, doc. 45, pp. 75 and 76 and Berdinskikh, doc. 8, pp. 339-343.)

ACC this 300,000 Germans total died during expulsions of the 1 million total in USSR or 30% (Germans from Russia Heritage Collection. "A People on the Move: Germans in Russia and in the Former Soviet Union: 1763 - 1997." North Dakota State University. http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/history/people.html (accessed 3 August, 2009).)

ACC 81 Weitz cent of genoc: at least 17,7% of Tatars to Uzbek died, and 23.7% of all Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, and Barachais by 1948.

ACC 162 Dark Continent: Sov and German agreement sais 50,000 moved from lithuanian SSR part, and 130,000 rom Bessarab and northern Bukov.

ACC 80 Weitz cent of genocide: 1,084,828 Germans deported on ethnic grounds. B6 1950, more than 90% of all those races defined as "special deportees" were members of race-defined populations by state.
Weitz, Eric D. A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003.

ACC 79 Weitz a cent of genocide: after summer 1941 82% of Germans all expelled. Presidium of the Suprenme Soviet said Volga Germans were holding thousa of "saboteurs and spies...the enemies of the people and of Soviet power" and thuis "the entire German pop" must be removed.

My words: Nonetheless, to understand the ethnic policies of the Soviet Union, one must view the period from the perspective of the Soviet government: many among German minorities had indeed cooperated with the invading Nazi armies in conquered nations like Poland, Yugoslavia (Danube Swabians), France, and Czechoslovakia (Sudeten Germans). It went to follow that the large German minority in the Soviet Union of over a million may welcome the German military, sabotage railway access to undermine the Soviet war effort, or offer intelligence on Soviet strategies or military locations. This is why the German minority was only one persecuted among many others after the German invasion, including the Kalmyks, Circassians, Chechens, and Tatars.







Integrating in Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Post-Soviet States Today

By 1939, the political fate of the Baltic states was sealed due

ACC ECONOMIST 17 Oct 2009, Europe section page 63 "Soviet words and deeds" says that criminal case was opened by investigators against a hist who collected materials about ethnic Germans who vanished in the gulag (paraphrase this please).



Nicholas, Lynn. Cruel World: Children of Europe in the Nazi Web. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011.

Schechtman, Joseph. European Population Transfers: 1939-1945, Volume 1. Oxford University Press, 1946.

Arthur Greiser, Grundsaetzliche Anordnung 6/44, 13 Apil 1944, APP, 299/1978, 182-3

Dr Cropp to Arthur Greiser, 26 May 1944, APP 299.1978, 227- and Medizinalrat, Gesundheitsamt Konin to Reichstaathalter II B, 24 January 1944, APP, 299/1978, 42

Łuczak, Czesław. Pod niemieckim jarzmem (Kraj Warty 1939-1945). Posen: PSO, 1996. Jachomowski, Dirk. Die Umsiedlung der Bessarabien-, Bukowina- und Dobrudschadeutschen. Munich, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1984



Suggested references: "The Baltic Tragedy," a DVD movie docum

Population Statistics

1550s- approximately 15,000

Sources- [1],

Lots of stats here on KRIMDEUTSCHE and deportees: Krimdeutsche: http://de.rbth.com/gesellschaft/2014/05/02/krimdeutsche_stehen_zu_russland_29227.html

WEITZ 80 says 1,084,828 Germans in USSR!!

There were some 2 million ethnic Germans in the Soviet Union in 1989.[12] Soviet Union censusrevealed in 1989 that 49% of the German minority named German their mother tongue. According to the 1989 Soviet census, 957,518 citizens of German origin, or 6% of total population, lived in Kazakhstan,[13] and 841,295 Germans lived in Russia including Siberia.[14]

In the 2010 Russian census, 394,138 Germans were enumerated, down from 597,212 in 2002, making Germans the 20th largest ethnic group in Russia. There are approximately 300,000 Germans living in Siberia.[16, the same census found that there are 2.9 million citizens who understand the German language (although many of these are ethnic Russians or Yiddish-speaking Jews who had learned the language). Out of the 597,212 Germans enumerated in 2002, 68% lived in Asian federal districts and 32% lived in European federal districts. The Siberian Federal District, at 308,727 had the largest ethnic German population. But even in this federal district, ]they formed only 1.54% of the total population. The federal subjects with largest ethnic German populations were Altay Krai (79,502), Omsk Oblast (76,334), ALTAY KRAJ FOR<ORST= pps leave to develop Siberia frontier. 2 PERCENT NEOPAGAN?

Siberian Germans new group, started after Volga settlers left bec overcrowded, and bec Germans went to Siberia and ALTAI KRAY instead; almost all expelled to Kazakh and also ALTAI KRAY camps; many today call themselves Siberian Germans instead of Gers bec assimilated

There were some 2 million ethnic Germans in the Soviet Union in 1989.[12] Soviet Union census revealed in 1989 that 49% of the German minority named German their mother tongue. According to the 1989 Soviet census, 957,518 citizens of German origin, or 6% of total population, lived in Kazakhstan,[13] and 841,295 Germans lived in Russia including Siberia.[14]


200,000 Germans in Volhynia by 1900: http://www.ualberta.ca/~german/AlbertaHistory/Volhynians.htm



Famous Persons

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946)






Prominent ethnic Germans in modern Russia include Viktor Kress, governor of Tomsk Oblast since 1991 and German Gref[17] Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia since 2000.

Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-98)'s son Georg, founder of the Mainz Republic under Napoleon who helped revolution and met with Ben Franklin or hoped to. Father and son were hired, after doing James Cook's 2nd voyage and extensive Polynesian ethnography, 1765 hired by Russian gov't (CATHERINE) to inspect colonies already on Volga, esp Saratov, and he brought son Georg to assess future German settlement and business for Russia therefrom (here is source http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Forster,_Johann_Georg_Adam about a genuine 1911 source). THIS CAN BE DOUBLE SOURCED ON 336-7 INVENTING EASTERN EUROPE. On this page he notes the discovery of "Polish economy" and chauv attitudes of civilising Slavdom and the "Orangutan of Europe" "half wild and half civilized" Poland. On 338 he bashed Poland's SERFDOM "the actual People [in poland], I mean those millions of cattle in human form, who are here utterly excluded from all privileges of mankind...the people is at present...truly sunken to a degree of bestiality and insensibility, of indesc laziness and totally stupid ignorance, from which perhaps even in a century it ould not climb to the same level of other European rabbles." Extended to Slavs obviously! Civilise Russia. This is all GEORG his son.

Suggested Websites and Organisations

Deutsche-Baltische Gesellschaft (the German Baltic Society)- click here.

International Verband der deutschen Kultur (Russia) - click here.

Foederale Nationale Kulturautonomie der Russlanddeutschen - click here.


Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (for Germans in Kazakhstan) - click here.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Minderheiten (Russia) - click here.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (for Germans in Kazakhstan) - click here.